Entertainment of Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Source: ghbase.com

Being a lesbian is cool but I’m not one – Vicky Zugah

Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah

Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah, has said she does not see anything wrong with the practice of lesbianism, although she will personally not swing with a fellow woman.

She said that despite her unsuccessful relationships with men, she has not given up on them and has never thought of a relationship with a fellow woman.

Talking about relationships in an interview on celebrity ride with Zionfelix, Vicky Zugah postulated that;

“I haven’t given up on men no matter what I’ve been through. God created men for female and female for men and as long as I’m the daughter of God and believe in the Bible, there is no way I’ll be a lesbian, but I’m not against lesbianism or anything, but it’s my personal choice that I don’t want it. It doesn’t also mean anybody who does it is bad or not righteous.”

Asked if she saw nothing wrong with the act, the actress reiterated: “I see nothing wrong with lesbianism,” adding that: “It’s a personal choice for those who choose to do it.”

Watch the interview below: