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Politics of Sunday, 6 November 2011

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NDC Dadekotopon Chairman CURSE and swears

*NDC Dadekotopon Chairman, Magnus Anyitei and MP Namoale CURSE and swears
at NDC Cadres meeting to kill NDC members by invoking a witchcraft god*

An NDC Cadres meeting held at La near Sangara Bridge, Norgor Tso Shishi on
Saturday 5th November 2011 to discuss the way forward for the NDC in the
constituency for the 2012 elections turned into and boxing ring when the
Member of Parliament was giving the floor to advice the group of members
present. The Member of Parliament arrived with the constituency Chairman of
the NDC, Magnus Anyitei a self styled Texas cattle rancher dressing hat and
his Vice Chairman, Mr. Appiah-Agyei and Treasurer Mr. Ralph Ativie. The MP
stated emphatically that the United Cadres Front (UCF) in La Dadekotopon
had formed that group just to unseat him because they think he hasn’t lived
up to expectation. He also mentioned that he was ready to accept anybody
who wants to contest the seat when the primaries are opened and each person
who wants to contest is welcome. He also mentioned that he will definitely
contest the seat because to the good works he had done in La. He mentioned
that he was very popular and the people of La will continue with him. After
this he then started insulting the executives of the UCF that they were
responsible for the commotion that usually arises at the Neighborhood
Center where NDC members usually meet and that National Security had asked
them to stop meeting in La for security reasons. He said he dislikes
hypocrites and he went on to tell the Cadres executives that he and the
Constituency Chairman had given their details to National Security for
monitoring. He continued by threatening them. At this moment certain
executives did not like his utterance to they tried to ask him to retract
his statements and this started to exchange of insults. One Uncle Small who
is a known Cadre and elderly didn’t like his comments at all so asked him
to retract those words. Hon. Feehi who is a Unit committee member at the La
Kpana decided to step into the scuffle that was going on and to his
surprise the MP started insulting him also that he knows he is his relative
but because he has changed camps and not campaigning for him he should
clear off his face. At this moment the floor of the meeting had become an
exchange of insults and Hon. Feehi couldn’t take it anymore and started
retaliating to the MP for La Dadekotopon with reverse insults like he was
doing. The acting chairman of UCF Hon Moses stepped into the floor and
managed to calm the storm. After this the NDC Constituency Chairman ,
Magnus Anyitei a self styled dressed cattle rancher stepped unto the floor
and started saying that he was a better Cadre than him any person seated
there and that they had been trained in Bulgaria, Soviet Union and Libya so
he knows how to play politics. He also mentioned that he had heard all that
the UCF executives were doing but they even didn’t have the guidelines for
the Cadres and the NDC and that they were not obeying the rules and
regulations of the Party. He went on to say that it was constitutional to
change names in the Constituency delegates list and he had the power to
change that as the Chairman and that those who didn’t know about this
should read the NDC Constitution. He then veered and began to insult the
executives and accused them of all the problems in the party and he
mentioned that the executives were peddling lies about him being paid Ghc
200 from the La Sub Metro weekly and that all the executives will die
because he had consulted his witchcraft god and that they will pay dearly
with their lives. He went on to confirm that the witchcraft gods will kill
the NDC members. At this juncture members began to get up and leave the
meeting because it had become very very ugly because brawling and clinching
was going on and people were trying to separate the MP, Chairman from the
agitated crowd of NDC members gathered. This brought the meeting to the
stand still because onlookers and by passers around were staring at them.
To avoid any further confrontations the Chairman and the MP were asked to
leave the meeting but as they left the were shouting curses and swearing on
top of thier voices that they will kill NDC members by invoking a
witchcraft god .
The chairman begged members that they had information that Hon Sylvester
Mensah ( Former MP , La and CEO NHIL) was coming there on his way from the
Volta Region with the President so members should wait for him. I am told
members waited and he came to address them on the way forward for the NDC
party to retain the seat for La. This was the best thing the members had
heard that day and they applauded him for the encouraging efforts.
The executives present for the UCF were Hon. Moses Anyitei (0543200247),
Mr. Hessey (0243610292), and Mr. Apoh Akrantie (0244657986) and Tamakloe

A recorded version of this meeting is available on tape.