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Politics of Wednesday, 15 December 2010

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Press Release from PNC National Youth Organizer

Press Release from the office of the National Youth Organizer for the Peoples National Convention.
To: All media houses

The rate at which insult and disrespect is deepening in our politics, especially from the part of the NDC and the NPP, is becoming so alarming.
We find it difficult to believe that the youth who are suppose to be the future leaders are also falling to this behavior.
Towards the upcoming 2012 general elections, it is expected, that the youth leaders from the other political parties will encourage their members to stick to issues just as the youth wing of the PNC have resolved to do, other than trivial things that do not contribute to the solving of the enormous problems confronting the youth of this country.
Recently, for instance,
• Students from the UDS were struggling to get a desk to sit on, just to write their examination
• Lectures of Polytechnic students were affected for over two weeks.
• Graduate unemployment is and has been on the increase.
• Uneducated youth and school drop outs are walking on the street, very confused and without knowing clearly what the future holds for them.
• Newly recruited nurses and midwifes, for over a year now have not gotten their salaries.
The list goes on and on and yet youth leaders who are seeking the mandate of the populace for their party to govern this country seems not to be bothered, but are rather interested in encouraging its followers to engage in politics of disrespect and ridiculing, neglecting the issues that confronts us, as youth.
As youth and youth leaders, we must encourage politics of issues and not what is going on currently. Tee shirts, for instance, with inscriptions of the pronunciation slip of the president of this country and for that matter a professor should not be an issue that any responsible youth will want to use for creating humor.
This act by the NPP is extremely disappointing and we will advice that the youth of this country, irrespective of their political affiliation, will be concern first with engaging in activities that will address difficulties confronting the youth in this country.
We will commend the youth leader of the NDC for trying to restrain his followers from doing a similar thing in response, but will also add that, if he is indeed committed to such admonishing to his members, will be able to condemn those of his youth members who consciously do exhibit on every platform they get, a gross disrespect towards individuals and personalities from the opposition sides.
We entreat all Ghanaians of voting age to JOIN the party that has their interest at heart, the Peoples National Convention, so that together we can build a better and comfortable future for the youth of this nation.

Sign; Mr. Emmanuel Wilson PNC National Youth Organizer
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