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Politics of Wednesday, 4 July 2018


Rejoinder: Chairman of 'NPP Germany' endorses Ntim

Communications Director for the Germany branch of the New Patriotic Party, Nana Boateng has denied a report which states that the branch's Chairman has endorsed Stephen Ntim for the National Chairmanship position.

The story by one Owusu Mohammed Danny which was published on GhanaWeb on Tuesday, 3rd July 2018 stated that Rev. Alex Acheampong had declared his support for the Board Chairman of the Lands Commission, Stephen Ayensu Ntim who is seeking election as chairman in the party’s upcoming National Delegates’ Conference.

It further stated that Rev. Acheampong who joined the Ntim Campaign to help canvas more vote for the latter believed, this is Ntim’s time.

But Nana Boateng, in a rejoinder, has described the story as fake and malicious adding that it was the work of some "unseen and coward people has been scheming to discredit our affable chairman".

According to him, Rev Alex Acheampong wishes all the candidates well and is ready to work with whoever emerges victorious after the elections.

Read the full statement below


My attention has been drawn to a FAKE and a MALICIOUS PUBLICATION by one Mr. Owusu Mohammed Danny on Ghanaweb.

In the said FAKE and MALICIOUS PUBLICATION, the writer has attributed a statement purported to have been made by Rev Alex Acheampong, the NPP Germany Branch Chairman that he SUPPORTS Mr. Stephen Ntim for the Chairmanship Position.

I want to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that Chairman Alex Acheampong HAS NOT made that DECLARATION anywhere and WILL NOT make such Anywhere.

Let it be known that, there are people hell-bent on putting ENIMTY between the Chairman of the Germany NPP Branch, Rev Alex Acheampong and the aspiring Candidates.

These Unseen and Coward people has been scheming to discredit our Affable Chairman but has Failed Miserably.

Chairman Alex Acheampong wants to state Categorically that he WISHES ALL Candidates Well and is ready to work with whoever emerges the WINNER of the Upcoming Delegates Koforidua ELECTIONS.


Nana Boateng,

Communications Director NPP Germany Branch