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General News of Wednesday, 29 August 2018


Give our President sensitivity to hear, know and feel – Duncan Williams prays

The leader and founder of the Christian Action Faith Ministry (Action Chapel), Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, has beseeched God to grant the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, and his Cabinet, the necessary sensitivity to hear, know and feel what is on the ground in Ghana.

In an opening prayer to commit a meting of Religious leaders with the President of the Republic into the hands of God, the Archbishop quoting 1 Timothy 2:1-2 [I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; [2] For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty], he prayed that God will grant the President “mental soundness, physical stamina for the work, emotional intelligence and spiritual alertness, good understanding, wisdom above his years, the wisdom of Ancient men, the wisdom of the Ancient of days, to guide and to lead this country unto greener pastures that in his term of office, this country will do well than it has ever done before”, the Archbishop said in his prayer.

He also prayed that “anything in the womb of time that will implicate the President in any shape of form, be interrupted, arrested and held at ransom by divine authority”.

Prayer for Cabinet

For the cabinet and the Vice President, the Archbishop Prayed that God will empower them to have the courage to take decisions that will move the economy and create an atmosphere conducive for productive and creativity in the land and to deal with the sufferings and hardships”.

Notable Clergy Present

The meeting which had an opening ceremony and subsequently being held in close doors has notable members of the clergy such as Archbishop Gabriel Palmer Buckle, Bishop, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Coast, Bishop Charles Argine Asare, Presiding Bishop of the Perez Chapel International, Rev. Clement Achebah of the Fountain Gate Chapel International, Bishop Gideon Titi Offei, Senior Pastor of the Pleasant Place Church, Evangelist Lawrence Tetteh, Rev. Michael Boadi Nyamekye, of the Makers House Chapel International, Prophet Owusu Bempah, Senior Pastor of the Glorious Word Power Church amongst others.

President Akufo-Addo

President Akufo Addo in his opening remarks before the closed door session with the clergy said he is looking forward to meeting with the clergy on periodic basis to discuss issues of public interest.

“I am hoping that what we are doing hear today is going to be a regular feature of my government so a couple of times a year we have the opportunity to meet and hear your considerations and you will also hear the things that are on the heart and mind of government” the President said.