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General News of Monday, 1 June 2020


Ghana has become a reference point – Akufo-Addo on Coronavirus fight

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has touted Ghana’s fight against the fast-spreading global pandemic, the Coronavirus.

Addressing the country for the tenth(10th) time since the outbreak of the virus in the country, he commended the citizenry for their adherence to the protocols and directives he announced earlier.

“I thank each and every one of you for the collective and individual effort you have put in to help contain the spread of the disease on our shores. The great majority of us continue to adhere to the social distancing and enhanced hygiene protocols; we have, as a result, altered our way of life to accommodate these changes; and we continue to make sacrifices to speed up the process of bringing our lives safely back to a state of normalcy.”

Since the onset of the COVID-19 in the country, several Ghanaians have been called to task to indigenously produce materials and items which have aided in the fight against the disease.

The result, a rekindling of the local manufacturing industry.
Among other things, some students have produced ventilators, automated handwashing equipment, face shields, etc.

The president also became the subject of commendations on the international front after he placed an initial 3-week lockdown on some areas of the country to contain the spread.

“We have demonstrated not only to ourselves but also to the entire world, that we are capable of charting our own path towards containing the spread of this disease. We must all be proud that we have become a reference point for others on how to combat it,” President Akufo-Addo noted.

“ In all of this, I say a special ‘ayekoo’ to our heroic healthcare workers, our efficient teams of contact tracers and testers, our farsighted scientists, our professional security personnel, and responsible members of our media, who have done a yeoman’s job over the last eleven (11) weeks in the fight. Your efforts are truly appreciated, and the Ghanaian people will always be in your debt,” he added.

President Akufo-Addo revealed on Sunday, May 31 that the country has so far conducted 218,425 tests, leading to 8070 infections and 2,947 recovered persons.

The death toll has also risen to thirty-six (36) with thirteen (13) persons being severely ill, three (3) critically-ill for which (1) is on a ventilator; and 5087 responding to treatment at home, isolation centres and hospitals.

Meanwhile, the country has begun easing the restrictions on public gatherings. Nana Akufo-Addo announced that after several consultations with the various affected stakeholders, effective Friday, June 5 Stage One of the processes of easing restrictions will be initiated.

“An abridged format for religious services can commence. Twenty-five percent (25%) attendance, with a maximum number of one hundred (100) congregants, can worship at a time in church or at the mosque, with a mandatory one-metre rule of social distancing between congregants. In addition to the mandatory wearing of masks for all persons at all times in churches and mosques, a register of names and contact details of all worshippers and handwashing facilities and sanitisers must be provided, with a maximum duration of one (1) hour for each service.”