Business News of Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Source: Ekow Quandzie

UNDP spends $10.7m on Ghana projects in 2012

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) provided an amount of $10.7 million for projects and programmes in Ghana during the year 2012.

According to factsheets of the UN agency, it budgeted an amount of $11.4 million for 38 projects in the country last year.

On the areas of focus, the UNDP allocated 40% of its budget on the environment and sustainable development; 38% on democratic governance; and 22% on poverty reduction & MDG achievement.

About 26 donors provided funding for the UNDP projects in Ghana during 2012, according to information on its website. Some are Governments of Japan, Norway, Italy as well as OPEC Fund for International Development, and Ecobank Ghana among others.