Business News of Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Street naming key in revenue mobilization – MCE

File photo: A street naming exercise being undertaken File photo: A street naming exercise being undertaken

The New Juaben North Municipal Assembly (NJNMA) has registered 525 streets in the Municipality.

This came to light when the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Ms Comfort Asante welcomed a staff of a German Organization, GIZ, to the Assembly.

The MCE said street naming was key in revenue mobilization for the Assemblies.
She explained that currently, the most reliable source of revenue for the assemblies is the property rates, which could easily be documented for collection with the aid of street names and numbering.

The Assembly and GIZ are working to develop software to help the Assembly in revenue mobilization.

The Physical planning Officer for the NJNMA, Mr George Ayensu assured that the Assembly will be able to name all the streets in the Municipality within two years.

Mr Ayensu said, this will help the Assembly to capture all revenue sources in the municipality to help increase their Internally Generated Fund (IGF).

He called on all religious organizations in the municipality to register their places of worship with the Assembly.

The GIZ staff, Mr Mathias Witt is to collaborate with the Assembly and help in the development of the software.

Mr Witt, in an address, commended the Assembly for the initial steps it had taken towards revenue mobilization.