Business News of Friday, 12 October 2018


PPA approves GHC33k contract for KPMG to audit SSNIT

Social Security and National Investment Trust (SSNIT) head office in Accra Social Security and National Investment Trust (SSNIT) head office in Accra

The Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has awarded a contract of Ghc33,768,560.00 to KPMG to audit the Social Security and National Investment Trust (SSNIT).

The contract, which was awarded and signed on February 2, 2018, had estimated contract completion of September 17, 2018. The contract, which was awarded through a restricted tender was to provide consultancy services on value for money audit, located at RSS Developers Limited and Trust F-Line Properties Limited-LOT 2, the official website of the PPA captured.

Social media users have expressed shock at this. Some have questioned why such an amount of money would be given a private entity when there is a state institution that could have done the job.

Others also expressed worry over the issue due to the ‘’peanut’’ paid pensioners’.

A social media user wrote on his wall "Yet the pensioner is paid a peanut at the end of the month. You award a contract of GHC33,768,560.00 to KPMG to audit SSNIT? Lord have mercy."