Business News of Saturday, 28 October 2017


OmniBank wins HR award

OmniBank was awarded the OmniBank was awarded the

OmniBank has been awarded the ‘Most Promising HR Management in Financial Services’ at the HR Focus Awards. Conferred by the HR Focus Magazine, OmniBank clinched this award for cultivating best HR practices within only its first year of operations as a universal bank.

After winning the award, the Head of HR, Stephen Adeakye, dedicated the award to staff and reiterated the bank’s commitment to empowering and grooming its staff internally.

“This award shows that OmniBank has been doing the right things in our HR practice through our home-grown HR System.

Moreover, we hope to achieve our vision of being a top HR brand in the medium-term,” he concluded.

In its approach, OmniBank has adopted various measures and been committed to developing, empowering and promoting staff welfare and excellence.

Its thriving 60-40 HR Philosophy continues to exploit the great mix of young and greatly experienced staff to complement each other in their work.

With the top goal of becoming a top HR brand, OmniBank will continue adopting strategies to attract, develop and maintain the best crop of talent while providing them with all necessary tools for work-success.

To achieve this goal, it recently launched ‘The New Banker Programme’ to groom the next generation of OmniBank leaders.