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General News of Sunday, 29 January 2017


Nzemanland Association to crush Afeku’s accusers

The Nzemaland Development Association is ganging up against any individual or groups that would be impediment to the appointment of minister-designated for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Catherine Afeku.

The minister-designate for Tourism, Arts and Culture is being probed after reports emerged that she, together with her husband, were defendants in a case of fraud in 2007. The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Evalue-Gwira Constituency in the Western Region, and her husband, Seth Afeku, were directed by an Accra High Court to pay $217,464.00 plus 50% interest to a US couple in the fraudulent charges brought against them.

The Court, presided over by her Lordship Barbara Ackah-Yensu, found Catherine Afeku and her husband guilty of fraud and ordered them to pay the US couple, Patricia and Bill Gick the amount with interest. Afeku and her husband have, however, failed to pay the money, an action which compelled Mr. and Mrs. Gick to file a fi. fa application at the court to auction both movable and immovable properties of the the MP and husband.

The court granted the application. The Evalue-Gwira MP filed an appeal in 2013, which the court is yet to rule on. However, a group calling itself Truth and Accountable Governance (TAG) has petitioned President Akufo-Addo to drop the name of Catherine Afeku as Minister designate of Tourism, Arts and Culture.

This, the group said, will to save the integrity of the president’s nominees. But speaking in an interview with Onua News, a member of Nzemaland Development Association, Diana Nyankopa Daniels said the Association is ready defend Mrs. Afeku’s appointment.

She said the Association is made of all the political divide and they are bent on ensuring that she sails through as a minister. Madam Nyankopa Daniels warned President Akufo-Addo that should he withdraw the appointment of Madam Afeku, the Association will organize women in the country to embark on series of demonstrations against the NPP government.