Business News of Saturday, 21 September 2013

Source: Newmont

Newmont Ghana maintains strong rating in EPA’s 2012 AKOBEN

Newmont Ghana has recorded another strong performance in the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2012 AKOBEN ratings released on Friday.

The company’s Ahafo mine and Akyem project received high AKOBENscores for best practices in environmental management and performance and its corporate social responsibility; in addition to being assessed as fully complying with all mandatory legal requirements.

“The EPA’s AKOBEN environmental rating and disclosure programme encourages improved environmental and social performance across industries”, Randy Barnes, Regional Vice President, Environment and Social Responsibility said. “The Ahafo mine’s second consecutive ‘Blue’ rating is an indication of our commitment to high environmental and social responsibility performance.”

Ghana EPA’sAKOBEN audit measures the environmental performance of mining and manufacturing companies based on their day-to-day operations.

In 2010, Newmont Ghana (Ahafo Mine) was one of only two mining companies to obtain a ‘Blue’ rating in the AKOBEN audit.

The Akyem project, which is in the construction phase and expected to begin production in the fourth quarter of 2013,received an overall ‘Orange’rating. Although the project received high rating in its environmental, management and performance and corporate social responsibility, the audit process provided input for further improvements in the project’s environmental management programme and practices.

Speaking about the Akyem project’s ‘Orange’ rating, Mr. Barnes said, “The Akyem project was audited during the construction stage. The AKOBEN audit has assisted the Project to further refine its environmental management programme and practices”.

“We would like to acknowledge our employees, community and all other stakeholders for their contributions to our goal of operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner and look forward to working with them to continuously improve our environmental and social performance,” said Mr. Barnes.