Business News of Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Source: GNA

MEST graduates 17 ICT professionals into the global market

Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) has graduated it fourth batch of 17 young Ghanaian Information Communication Technology (ICT) Scholars, after a two year programme in software entrepreneurship.

The students pursued the programme to acquire the needed ICT skills to become successful software entrepreneurs and to help create jobs and wealth locally.

Mr. Jorn Lyseggen, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Meltwater Group, tasked the graduates to take their destinies into their own hands and confront the world and in the process conquer failure.

He said it was critical for the graduates to make use of the experience derived from MEST to inspire young people to believe in themselves.

While urging the graduates not to forget what they had learnt during their training, Jorn Lyseggen said the curriculum was expected to have equipped them with more than technology to also help them develop perspectives, critical thinking, values and success principles.

Mr. Lyseggen challenged them to be assertive and not to be afraid of failing since failure represented a learning process, adding that “success takes one step to complacency”.

He said even though it is good to desire for success, it was more desirable to be patient because they cannot afford to be obsessed with changing the world today.

“Success may not come immediately, and while it may also be desirable to start off perhaps with a job opportunity or adventure with life to identify what exactly graduates may decide to settle with, they should never stay away from serving humanity, and more importantly, doing the things that make them happy”, he said.

He urged them to use their talents and the knowledge gained to develop their economic prospects in the global market.

The Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology, a non-profit arm of the meltwater Group, started operations in Ghana in February 2008, to provide students with skills in software entrepreneurship.

During the intensive two-year programme at MEST, Entrepreneurs in Training (EITs) work with experienced business executives, university graduates and current MBA members from top universities worldwide to develop software applications and prepare them for launch in the global marketplace.

University graduates accepted into the MEST programme receive a fully sponsored hands-on training in software development, basic business fundamentals and entrepreneurship in a fast-paced, challenging, start-up environment. Also, the Entrepreneurs in Training (EITs) work with world-class executives from around the world to create their own software prototypes and ultimately start their own companies.**