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Politics of Friday, 10 November 2006

Source: Lens Analytical Desk Commentary

When Will NPP Stop Playing With Fire?

It is the mother who has laboured to give birth who appreciates the importance of protecting the life of the child. She who has not endured those birth pangs invariably cares very little about the safety of the child.

This analogy best epitomizes the political orientation of the NPP. President Kufuor and his cronies obviously do not know the sacrifice and hardwork that went into achieving for this nation the enviable legacy of stability, cohesion and peace that the NPP inherited in the year 2001.

Owing to this, they have no qualms at all plunging this nation into mayhem purely because of their selfish political agenda.

In the year 2000, soon after the first round votes were cast, candidate Kufuor together with his criminal minded acolytes, were on the brink of plunging this nation into chaos, even before the results were declared. But for the nationalistic intervention of folks like Kwesi Pratt and Guzzie Tanor, Mr Kufuor and his bunch of nation wreckers would have triggered a bloodbath in the country at the time.

And for the NPP, that would not have mattered at all. The end has always justified the means in their political lexicon.

This is exactly what their political tradition did during the independence struggle. They were opposed to the quest for immediate end of colonial rule, championed by Kwame Nkrumah, the real patriot and visionary. And true to their selfish and violent nature, Gold Coast (later Ghana) would rather be turned into a theater of chaos and mayhem once they were not in charge. It is a political tradition whose driving motivation has always been SELFISHNESS. That was what accounted for all the bomb throwings, the assassination plots, the killing of the innocent and the eventual bloody overthrow of Ghana’s first constitutional government.

No wonder, many Ghanaians continue to believe that this selfish and genetically violent-prone group of politicians had something to do with what is widely believed to be politically motivated “serial killing” of over 30 women in the run up to the 2000 elections.

Current news that the Kufuor regime was planning a sinister plan to physically eliminate its opponents by orchestrating a fake coup should not come as a surprise to Ghanaians. A man who as at the year 2000, was on the verge of sinking a peaceful and stable nation into chaos, even before the election results were declared, is a man whose bloody motivations cannot be doubted.

A man whose political mentor, late General Eyadema, perfected the science and art of physically eliminating his opponents should not be underrated at all. Gilchrist Olympio, Eyadema’s life long opponent is alive today only because of a super miracle. He was ambushed on a campaign trail, by Eyadema’s goons who rained bullets on his convoy and virtually killed everyone. Olympio, was barely alive and had to subsequently spend months in a Paris hospital. Given the intimate bond that existed between President Kufuor and General Eyadema, why should anyone be surprised that the Kufuor regime wanted to do a typical “Gen Guei Elimination” operation in Ghana?

But do these folks in power today realize what it takes to keep a country secure for 20 years? Do they have any idea the millions of people who continue to owe allegiance to Rawlings and who will stop at nothing to even the scores no matter how long it takes?

It is amazing that President Kufuor and his power drenched cohorts are failing to realize that messing up with Rawlings and key figures of the NDC will in no way guarantee their own survival and security.

For how long will this desperate bunch of selfish politicians continue to play with fire? Will someone please get them the musical track, “fire will burn you,” for them to play every morning and wise up?

A word to the wise…..