Business News of Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Source: Ayisah Foster, Contributor

K.Badu Agrochemical adjudged Best Agrochemical company in Africa

DR. Augustine Kofi Badu DR. Augustine Kofi Badu

CEO Of K. Badu Agro Chemicals Ltd has been Adjudged best Agrochemical company for retaining Agrochemical product within the sub- region of Africa.

His assessment was made based on the fact that for over twenty years now Dr.K Badu outlet has sipplied Agrochemical products to farmers without any hindrance.

The outfit has also helped a lot of companies that import agro product to the benefit of the Ghanaian economy.

The relationship between K.Badu Agrochemical and farmers have been unprecedented.He has set a platform to deal with farmers, educating them and helping them in problem solving.

For this reason,Dr.K.Badu's outfit has been seen as outstanding Agrochemical company set across the country.

The distribution of the company's series of products to farmers cannot be underestimated.

Recent times,K.Badu has it own Agrochemicals imported into the country and doing massively well at the Agricultural sector in the country.

K. Badu Agrochemical being part of planting for foods and jobs program by the government of Ghana has done well in the area of assisting government to solve the challenges facing the agro business in Ghana.

The name K.Badu Agrochemical stands tall when it comes to Agrochemical business in the country.

The research was conducted by International Network for Agric-Career and Food Security INACFOS and based on the research K.Badu Agrochemical is the best Agrochemical company in Africa.

K.Badu Agrochemical Company basically deals with Importation, Distribution, Wholesaling and Retailing of all kinds of Pesticides, Protective Materials, Farming Implements, Fertilizers and Spraying Machines.

The company also offer Machines repairs, maintenance and servicing. The company is also into Public Health Services.

It is a member of Ghana Agricultural Input Dealers Association (GAIDA). It has won many awards over the years.