Business News of Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Electroland grabs top award in Samsung rating

Electroland Ghana limited, the leading distribution/after-sales company of Samsung products has been adjudged the Best Distribution and After-Sales Company for the second time in the Samsung distribution ratings held in South Africa.

The company gained 336 points out of 400 to win the Samsung 2012 Best Distribution and After-sales Company in Africa for the second time in a roll, out of over a hundred companies the surveyed covered.

In an interview with, Mr. Seklaoui Nour, managing director of Electroland Ghana expressed appreciation to the parent company for the recognition of hard work and growth and contribution of the company.

“It is a big honor to be chosen by the biggest electronic company in the world as the number distributor and best in after-sales services. When you work and see that somebody appreciates it, it’s encouraging” Mr. Nour said.

“The secret has been very good staff who feel part of the company and share the Samsung vision with the management.”

Other two companies Tristar and Megastore in the region also came in the top 20 distributors at 4th and 14th respectively.

Electroland Ghana limited joined the Samsung distribution group five years ago and since 2010, when the new management took over, has experienced tremendous growth in the distribution and delivery of after-sales services which lead to the company winning the Highest Growth Award same year and Best Distribution Award in 2011 and 2012.

He said “the Credit goes to our retailers and end users for their contribution to this achievement” saying they (Electroland) will always be committed to delivering the best services to meet the expectations of the client.

The company recently set up a distribution office in Kumasi to further increase their coverage and service and is preparing for another office in Takoradi soon to be operational.**