Business News of Tuesday, 20 April 2021


Commodities market as of April 20, 2021

Price of Crude Oil saw an increase today Price of Crude Oil saw an increase today

On the commodities market today April 20, 2021, Gold is trading at One thousand, seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars, nineteen cents ($1,767.19) with a price change of negative two dollars twelve (-2.12), as compared to yesterday’s trading which did a little better than today. Gold started on a good note yesterday at One thousand, seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars sixty cents. ($1,787.60)

Cocoa is trading at two thousand four hundred thirty-seven dollars (2,437) today as compared to yesterday’s price which stood at two thousand, four hundred and fifthteen dollars ($2,415) with a price change of positive seven dollars (+7.00).

Coffee is trading at one hundred and thirty dollars, sixty-five cents ($130.65) as compared to yesterday’s trading which stood at $130.25, with a price change of a positive one dollar ten cents (+1.10). Today’s trading rather saw a 0.62% increase in trade as compared to yesterday.

Meanwhile, Cotton is also trading at eighty-four dollars, twenty-seven cents ($84.27) as compared to yesterday’s $84.80 with a price change of a positive one dollar (+1.09).

However, Crude Oil is trading well on the market today at sixty-four dollars twenty-one cents per barrel ($64.21) as compared to yesterday’s trading price which was pegged at sixty-three dollars ($63.04) with a price change of negative 9 cents (-0.09). The price change for today’s trading is a positive eighty-three cents, indicating a positive 1.31% increase.