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BBC Pidgin of Sunday, 16 May 2021

Source: BBC

Church of Pentecost wey handover prison to Ghana goment dey build three more prisons

Ghana Church wey build prison for Ejura donate give Ghana Prison Service say dem dey build three more prisons.

Di Church of Pentecost reveal say dem go build de three new prisons by close of 2021.

Chairman of de Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye reveal de new prisons under construction dey Nsawam, Obuasi den Damango.

BBC Pidgin follow ups with de church reveal say dem almost complete de prison construction for Nsawam.

Meanwhile de other prisons for Obuasi and Damango dey foundation stages.

According to de Church of Pentecost, de construction of prisons dey in line with theme and vision of de church for 2021.

Early dis week, de church hand over 300 bed-capacity prison which dem build to de Ghana Prisons Service.

De facility get church, football pitch, workshop, clinic, borehole den stuff.

Church of Pentecost give Ghana Prisons Service to operate dis prison from now on.

But people receive de news with mixed reactions as some criticize de church say why dem no build hospital or schools, others praise dem for de social inclusion project.

However de church explain say dem build de prison sake of conditions for jails be bad so dem put up dis 'decent prison' to help bring reform to inmates instead of damaging dem while in jail.