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Africa News of Wednesday, 5 May 2021


Mercenaries' presence in Libya worries African neighbors

A report by Franceinfo website said the neighboring countries of Libya and the international community are worried about the presence of 25.000 mercenaries in Libya.

The French website said Tuesday that after having demanded for more than a year the departure of the mercenaries who "set Libya to fire and blood," the UN Security Council is now worried about their dispersion in neighboring countries.

"They are said to be more than 25,000, including 13,000 Syrians and 11,000 Sudanese nationals. Their departure was requested by the new Libyan authorities, but the death of the President of Chad, Idriss Deby Itno, killed by rebels coming from Libya, has changed the situation and set the concerns of African countries rocketing."

Franceinfo said a meeting in New York had been requested by African members of the Security Council (Kenya, Niger and Tunisia), long before the death of Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno, calling for the departure of the mercenaries as quickly as possible as they have an "impact" on the countries of the region and peace and security in the Sahel.

"Be careful not to solve a problem in Libya by creating others in neighboring countries, argued some of these states. These mercenaries represent a new threat to the armies of the region, often lacking in equipment and poorly trained, and further weakening peace, from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa." A diplomat, who asked to remain unnamed, told the website.

The website said Kenya called for the UN political mission's mandate to be extended to control Libya's southern border, but the rest of the council felt that was too difficult to achieve.

"According to diplomats, there is a consensus at the UN to talk about the need to accompany this withdrawal mechanism with a process of demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants." The website explained.

It added that without good control, and effective support, what happened in Chad could repeat itself again in Libya or extend from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Mozambique.