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Soccer News of Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Ghana to boycott COSAFA tournament - Fred Pappoe

Chairman of the Ghana Local Black Stars Management Committee, Fred Pappoe has said that Ghana will boycott the COSAFA tournament due in South Africa if the xenophobic attacks continue.

There have been attacks on many non-South Africans in the country which have received world-wide condemnation, and Fred Pappoe says Ghana will withdraw from the tournament because it is not important.

"We've not heard anything from the organisers since the (xenophobic) attacks began," Fred Pappoe, who is also a board member of Accra Great Olympics told Joy FM.

"We sent a message to them (the organisers) last week condemning, but we've not received a response yet," he continued.

"It is a competitive tournament, but for us, it is a preparatory tournament that we have been invited to take part. It is not like an extremely important tournament that if you are not able to participate, it is going to have a lot of consequences," Mr. Pappoe explained.

The Local Black Stars chief added: "It is good for us to take part but nobody will sacrifice a life or limp or even a drop of blood for the tournament. If it comes on, fine, if it is not able come on too, I'm sure we can live our lives.

"The most important thing is that our preparation has always being maintained and geared towards our qualifying match against Ivory Coast in October and then, ultimately, God willing if we do qualify, we'll be ready for the tournament proper."