xxxxxxxxxxx of Thursday, 15 October 2009


Prophet Agyeman Prempeh in NY for another Powerful Crusade

Mount Vernon, NY

Prophet Agyemang Prempeh of Springs of Joy Ministries International, London
UK has arrived in NY for another breathtaking and inspirational evening
titled 'Fresh Fire conference' at the Living Faith Ministries International
in Mount Vernon, NY. Similar to the first crusade, this one had been
anticipated by worshipers and the auditorium was packed.

The man of God told the congregation that this second crusade was on another
level and that many would witness things they have never seen before. Those
who are expecting breakthroughs and are disappointed will not lose hope

He is inviting ALL to come and see for themselves God's awesome power which
is never under estimated at work.

The theme for the conference - "Prophetic encounter" also featured host and
annointed man of God, Dr. Dominic Newlove Allottey, the overseer who always
inspires the congregation with his usual words of empowerment. He
invited Prophet Agyemang Prempeh to set the congregation on a prophetic

Services starts at 7pm each night and on Sundays from 10am - 1:30pm (last
day of the conference, Oct.18th)

An amazing moment occurred during the second day service when the prophet called a gentleman in the congregation to come forward. The man of God prophesied that the man's mother was in a serious health condition, hospitalized and needed prayers. The man immediately confirmed what the prophet had said and showed the prophet a picture of his mother. In thanking the Lord for the amazing revelation, the man put an offering and the picture at the altar. To his amazement, the bill stood behind the picture as a sign of protection. This shook the entire congregation also.

Caption - Prophet Agyemang pointing to the bill (top), the bill standing behind the picture, a sign of protection