Soccer News of Thursday, 18 August 2005


Dujkovic Confident

The head coach of the National team, The Black Stars Dujkovic Ratomir, walked out of the Griffin?s park in London after his team?s goalless draw game with their Senegalist counterparts full of confidence to participate in next year?s world cup finals in Germany.

He displayed prominent confidence and ego standing shoulder high and so proud without showing any sign of disappointment or discouragement.

Straight to the dressing room Dujkovic Ratomir congratulated the lads for a good performance.

He was not happy with the results describing it as unpopular. But was quite was impressed by the splendid performance of the boys.

All the 18 players had a taste of the game, which was beamed, live to Senegal and other African countries. It was also recorded for play back on SKY TV later.

?Like every team we wanted to win but we squandered too many chances? He acknowledged. He was of the view that the attacking machinery was good. ?There was nothing wrong with the team; it?s only that we did not win? Ghana?s soccer boss noted.

He said their game is always good these days and if it is improved even a little bit qualifing for the world cup will not be a dream.

He said the match was so important to the Stars ?because we have use to access our new players and also check our standard and I am happy we are okay.? In his opinion the stars played better than the Senegalese in all aspect of the game.

Dujovic was not happy that Michael Essien was late and said he might have helped us to win. He said the new ones like Lloyd Owusu, Issac Boakye and Aziz Ansa palyed very well but could not immediately say whether they will be maintained in the team or not.

If said the match has put the stars in good standing for the qualifying match against the Ugandans in September. He said the team is moving to camp on the 25th of this month to prepare for that important encounter.