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Diasporia News of Monday, 24 September 2012

Source: Anane-Gyinde, Kwaku

Nana Obiri Boahen To Address NPP Gathering In Stuttgart

With barely two months to the Parliamentary and Presidential elections which the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is poised to win, various local and regional chapters of party across Germany have intensified their campaign in their communities with the view to ensuring a massive victory come December 7.

Against this backdrop, the Stuttgart Chapter of the NPP will on Saturday September 29 hold a massive rally to mobilize and sensitize the Ghanaian community in the State of Baden Württemberg to support the party in the forthcoming elections.

According to Mr. Kwaku Appiah Chairman of the Stuttgart Chapter of NPP, the event will also mark the official inauguration of the party in Stuttgart and its environs although it has been in existence and functioning for several years. He disclosed that Senior Party official including Nana Obiri Boahen, former Minister for Interior under the Kuffour administration, Honorable Major Retired Derek Oduro, MP for Nkoranza North and Mr Dwamena Yeboah National Chairman-NPP Germany will all be addressing the gathering.

Mr Appiah explained that with only two months to what he described as the most important elections since the advent of the fourth Republic, it is necessary for the party to strengthen and intensify its campaign efforts to enable the electorate to understand its policies and programs as contained in the manifesto.

He argued that so far the NPP remains the only party has come out with a comprehensive and sustainable policy agenda that can move the country forward adding that provision of free senior secondary education is not only feasible, it is a necessity.

According to him, the future of Ghana´s youth cannot be postponed to the next 20 years as the NDC seem to suggest saying that it is not enough to criticize the free education policy, the party (NDC) should come out with their own policy on education so that Ghanaians can have the opportunity to interrogate and scrutinize it.”With only two months to the elections the ruling NDC has failed to come with a manifesto outlining their policies, programs and the direction in which they intend to take the country” he said. Mr Appiah maintained that most of the developed and emerging economies have all attained their current levels of development as a result of the massive investment made in education, training and manpower development. “A highly industrialized economy like Germany devotes nearly 15 percent of its GDP towards education and this underlies its continued economic strength and industrial growth” he concluded

He reiterated the determination of the NPP to transform the economy and modernize the country´s agriculture through vocational and technical training and said this can only be achieved if every Ghanaian child irrespective of his/her economic circumstances is given the opportunity to have access to senior secondary education.

Mr Appiah urged Ghanaians to vote for Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP to ensure the realization of this laudable policy adding that the party has proved in the past that it can deliver on its pledges and would once again fulfill this pledge when elected to lead Ghana.

Kwaku Anane-Gyinde Aachen-Germany