Michael Osei, a former Ebusua Dwarfs, and Asante Kotoko player have discussed how his performance in a Dwarfs against Kotoko game left a good impression on Herbert Mensah. Osei run the show in that encounter scoring and giving Asante Kotoko players problems on the pitch. During Kotoko’s effort to sign him Osei added that Goldfields was also very serious about securing his signature. Kotoko ended up winning the race because of one smart move and their determination to parade Osei in a red jersey. “Goldfields had already secured my documents, I had finished negotiating with them. I got a call in Obuasi when I answered it was Joe Larka, he said Kotoko wanted to sign you. We will give you everything you want, while speaking to him he said they have arrived in Obuasi and sitting at a place waiting," he said on Dan Kweku Yeboah TV as monitored by footballghana.com "When I got there they told me to get inside a car and when we arrived in Kumasi there were a lot of chiefs sitting, big people, Herbert Mensah was also there. I thanked God for how far he has brought me. The Kotoko officials then told me we wont allow you to go back to Obuasi, then I completed all the negotiations with them,”