Sports Pictures of Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Source: felix gyamfi

Minister of Youth and Sports Visits Lizzy Sports Complex

On the day of the International Youth, Hon. Mahama Ayariga visited the Lizzy Sports Complex at East Legon; Accra and held a meeting with Marcel Desailly, the owner of the facility. Desailly spoke on the need for the government to partner with the private sector to build such facilities around the country so that communities can have access to such good sporting facilities. He said that what he has learned from the Lizzy Sports Complex gives an indication that Ghanaians in every community are yearning for very good sports recreational venues. He also added that the Lizzy Sports Complex receives over three thousand people from schools, corporate organisations and churches who come to use the facility each week. The Youth and Sports Minister assured Mr. Desailly that his visit is an indication that government is thinking and is going to pursue the ideas Mr. Desailly is espousing and he will act quickly to bring these ideas into fruition.