Sports News of Sunday, 4 August 2019


GOA completes physical activity workshop for students and teachers

Some teachers and students participating at GOA athletics workshop Some teachers and students participating at GOA athletics workshop

Ghana Olympians Association (GOA) has organized an athletics workshop for teachers and students at St. Nicholas School in Tema.

The workshop focused on enhancing the fundamental movement skills that translate across different sports disciplines.

The St. Nicholas School located in Manhean area in Tema, was chosen in view of school’s desire to not only educate the children but also give them wide-ranging opportunities in sports, music and foreign languages.

The workshop was offered as part of GOA’s school and youth outreach program to inspire future generations of Ghanaian Olympians.

The primary focus was to help teachers and students learn creative ways to enhance mastery of fundamental sports-related movement skills while promoting core values of Olympism i.e., Excellence, Respect and Friendship.

St. Nicholas and GOA formed the multi-year partnership to ensure sustainability and growth of what was learned through the workshop as well as the continued access to the technical and practical knowledge of GOA members.

The GOA is a voluntary association of former Ghanaian Olympians, a member of the African Olympians Association (AOA) and the World Olympians Association (WOA).