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Players Abroad of Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Source: observer

No pay for Ghanaian player in Swaziland

Swazi premier League side Manzini Wanderers are at loggerheads with their Ghanaian-born player Prince Bonny over a five-month salary that he is owed by the club.

So tense is the situation that the player has given the maroon and white outfit until today to act on his contract.

Interviewed yesterday, the player revealed that he had been forced to live from hand to mouth since his arrival in Swaziland as the team failed to pay him his monthly salaries.

To make matters worse, his five-month contract with the team has expired. Bonny joined the Hub giants at the start of the season and he resides at the club house in Manzini with some of the players.

He added that he was also not sure about his stay at the team due to the fact that his contract expired at the end of last month (December 31) and they have not yet indicated whether they still need him or not. ?I am currently out in the cold as a result of my contract that expired last month.

In fact, I met one of the directors yesterday who promised to work on my grievances but he was not specific over the issue of the contract. I am sure that it will also be included but still I am so worried because I want to play.

I like Wanderers and would like to stay with them but if they decide otherwise, I will just go home. In fact I have given them up to tomorrow (today) to decide about my future.

However, if they fail to renew their contract I am sure they will be ready to pay me all my money so that I can just go,? he said.

Asked how he survived all this time, as he said he was not paid, Bonny said he got some ?allowance? from his uncle who resides in Canada and he works in that country?s army. He said his uncle knows the life he is exposed to in Swaziland.

He said the uncle sent the money via Maputo, where he has to collect it all the time.

?I informed him that Wanderers have not said anything in as far as his contract is concerned. My uncle knows everything and he understands, it is just that I love the sport, otherwise I would have long gone,? said the dreadlocked star.

Reached for comment, Wanderers? Manager Sydney Nxumalo, who is also one of the directors, said he was not aware of any player owed by the team and that Bonny?s contract had expired.

?If the contract has expired why is he then still staying at the club house. He called me the other time telling me that he could not attend the training sessions because of some personal commitments and would join the rest of player this week. We are expecting him at the training tomorrow (today),? said Nxumalo. Meanwhile, Bonny was not part of the squad that played Young Buffaloes in a 1-1 league game last Saturday.