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Regional News of Sunday, 5 May 2024

Source: Mumuni Yunus, Contributor

Statistics lecturer appeals to government to turn Tamale Girls SHS into a STEM hub

A lecturer of statistics at Tamale Technical University, Dr. Mumuni Napari Hanifatu, has appealed to the government to consider making Tamale Girls SHS (Pagnaa) a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) hub of the Northern Region, where young girls can be trained in STEM-related areas.

Emphasising the need for the government's focus to move towards STEM education, Dr. Napari Hanifatu said STEM education would significantly contribute towards preparing the next generation of Ghanaian leaders in the areas of science and technology.

The young statistics lecturer, who made headlines two years ago after acquiring a PhD in Statistics at 28 years old, added that turning the region’s first public girls SHS into a STEM hub would enhance female education in Northern Ghana.

“I would like to appeal to His Excellency to consider establishing a dedicated Girls STEM hub in Pagnaa that would specifically train our young girls interested in these areas in the Northern region,” Dr. Napari Hanifatu appealed.
Dr. Hanifatu Napari, who was the Guest Speaker at the 25th Anniversary celebration of her alma mater, Tamale Girls SHS (Pagnaa), on Saturday, said that despite the government’s efforts to ensure secondary school education was free and accessible, there was still the need for the government to improve the quality of education and access to STEM education across the country.

“Government is doing its part in ensuring that secondary education is not only free but also accessible. However, there is still the need for the government to improve the quality of education and access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education across the country,” she noted.

She advised young girls to make good use of their time in school so that they can compete with flying colours.

Water Crisis affecting teaching and learning

The headmistress of the school, Madam Asha Asumah, highlighted some of the challenges the school was facing, including acute water shortages and lack of a sick bay, among others.

She said that the water challenge was seriously affecting teaching and learning because students have to travel several miles during school hours just to find water for use. Madam Asha Asumah appealed to philanthropists to support the school in constructing a dugout that can collect enough rainwater for use during the dry season.

Tamale Girls SHS was opened in 1999 by the Northern Regional Coordinating Council with support from CAMFED. Dignitaries who attended the 25th-anniversary celebration included the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Hawa Koomson, the Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Shani Alhassan Shaibu, and the Paramount Chief of the Nanton Traditional Area, Nanton Naa Mahamadu V.