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Regional News of Monday, 20 May 2024

Source: Makbul Dumba, Contributor

Willma Youth Club donates sanitary pads to Boli M/A JHS

The students were advised to prioritize their health by avoiding excessive medication The students were advised to prioritize their health by avoiding excessive medication

The Willma Youth Club, a proactive youth-led organization, generously donated over a hundred reusable menstrual health products to Boli M/A Junior High School in the Upper West Region on May 17, 2024.

Leading this impactful initiative is the dedicated team leader, Josephine Naab Pollu, who stressed the importance of understanding menstrual cycles, reproductive health, and the significance of managing periods safely and with dignity. She also emphasized the fundamental rights of these schoolchildren.

The aim of the Willma Youth Club's SRHR outreach is to support more female students in underserved communities and raise awareness of sexual and reproductive health and rights among youth in Ghanaian communities.

During the engagement, the team discussed sexual and reproductive health and rights, encouraged students to embrace their puberty experiences, avoid teenage pregnancy through abstinence, and emphasized the importance of seeking guidance from responsible adults.

Speaking to, Josephine shed light on the challenges young girls face regarding menstrual hygiene.

She said, "Menstruation is a natural aspect of life, not a punishment. However, our girls often face challenges due to limited access to safe menstrual products or a lack thereof when needed."

The visionary team leader shared that their journey began with distributing disposable sanitary pads to children in underserved communities. However, feedback indicated a need for more sustainable solutions, as disposable pads offered only temporary relief.

Josephine highlighted the financial barrier posed by the high cost of disposable pads, which often hinders girls from attending school.

She emphasized the practicality and cost-effectiveness of reusable pads, stressing the importance of regular washing with soap and clean water to maintain hygiene and ensure the girls' safety.

Josephine urged the male students to combat stigmatization and provide support to girls during challenging times, emphasizing the collective responsibility of creating a supportive environment.

She encouraged young women to seek medical advice instead of relying on excessive medication during their periods, promoting a holistic approach to menstrual health.

Sonia Boyou, a dedicated nurse and key member of the Willma Youth Club, highlighted the significance of adolescence as a crucial phase between childhood and adulthood. Recognizing the transformative impact of reusable health products on young women, she emphasized the need for education efforts due to prevalent levels of ignorance.

Sonia advised the children to prioritize their health by avoiding excessive medication during menstruation and seeking professional guidance when needed, stressing the importance of informed decision-making and proactive healthcare practices.

Adding to the sensitization, Sonia Boyou underscored the significance of adolescence as a pivotal phase between childhood and adulthood, spanning ages 10 to 19.

Recognizing the transformative impact of reusable health products on young women, she emphasized the need for sensitization efforts due to prevailing levels of ignorance.

She also highlighted the need to abstain from sexual-related activities as schoolchildren, mentioning the dangers associated with teenage pregnancy.