You are here: HomeBusiness2015 05 26Article 359666

T-bills dealing law needed for banks - Dr. Amoah

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  • Ghana 1st 8 years ago

    nice Dr. wil politicans listen that is the problem now. they know it but will they act. God bless our country Ghana

  • kuku 8 years ago

    The good Doctor should note the fundamental causes of high interest rate... its easy to point a finger at banks and not address rampant inflation, high debt and overall weak fundamentals as drivers of high inflation and a fla ...
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  • lankwei 8 years ago

    "A development economist and entrepreneur, Dr."???

    Education without real ability to think things through, is a tragic waste of resource! The result is plane and two dimensional thinking.

  • Kofi Virginia 8 years ago

    Kofi Amoah is an entreprenuer but NOT a development economist. Welh does not buy titles. He must have ideas that need conversation but certainly lack the economic foundations.

  • dr ko 8 years ago

    The article doesn't read like one coming from somebody who lacks economic fundamentals.... if you do why dont you offer some helpful ideas to help with the crippling high cost of credit! Stop the "skin pain" and naked envy a ...
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  • impromptus 8 years ago

    Don't bring Taliban economics to Gh. Go back to the basics - supply and demand. If the interest rate is not good enough the Banks wouldn't buy anyway. Therefore Bank Bashing is unnecessary. Sorry you missed the point. Blame t ...
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  • impromptus 8 years ago

    Blame the govt