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Preventing or reducing suicides; a psychiatric nurse’s viewpoint

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  • Ablanka 7 years ago

    If a "disturbed individual" really means to commit suicide, there's practically NOTHING to stop it!

  • K.K (Former psychiatric nurse) 7 years ago

    Mr.Ablanka, that is not true, personally I have saved two people with words like ( Come what May) when counselling them for the lost of father and boyfriend respectively. They rather respond quickly when their problems are no ...
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  • Ablanka 7 years ago

    Thx, K.K, but the writer correctly defines "suicide" as: "Though the term SUICIDE ( the Latin word sui of oneself + -cidium ,from caedere to kill ) ...."

    Meaning, ONESELF is supposed to be very PRIVATE and in stealth.

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  • Iddi. 7 years ago

    Culturally and ethically we seem to have all the resources to cope with mental disorders and suicide. We have taken our sociological make up for granted, we have not tapped deeper into it so as to enable us have sufficient un ...
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  • Iddi. 7 years ago

    Will power , knowledge , acceptance, respect, value and being candid can all support. Reframing from material wealth compition, teasing, mocking, looking down, nor regarding others, no valuing and acknowledge people's efforts ...
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  • K.K (Former psychiatric nurse) 7 years ago

    Well done.ln the advanced countries hardly one finds a bigger psychiatric hospital like Ankaful and Pantang. A psychiatric unit is attached to all general hospitals. As at 1969 Ankaful is the second biggest psychiatric hospit ...
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  • Iddi. 7 years ago

    I can remember sometime before the passage of the mental health , it was mandated that all regional hospitals should make room for 10 beds for patient who may be experiencing mental illness. Wa had 20 beds in a new hospital b ...
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