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Ghana prisons set for upgrade

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  • KWAME-USA 10 years ago

    Why must the good,hard working, law abaiding peoples taxed money be used for the comfort of criminals?

  • eugene 10 years ago

    you know people in prison live better than homeless long as another inmate don't attack you...You have 3 meals per day, tv to watch and visits to the many regular people in Ghana or poor in usa get th ...
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  • ELINAM 10 years ago

    In the US, all vehicle number plates and federal office furniture are pressed and made by the prison industrial complex.
    Can Ghana take a page from the US, or we still going to be holding on to old mentality of "HARD LABOR ...
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  • Concerned 10 years ago

    cassava thieves =5yrs plus,wee smokers=3 plus,51m gh thieves=0 yrs-,
    there is no sense in our sentencing regime, it's chaotic and the number one cause of overcrowding in prisons. remand prisoners, some of whom are later clea ...
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  • Ama 10 years ago

    Concerned, you have a good point over there, the judical system has to be reformed.

    One law professor estimated, that there are about 30% innocent Inmates behind Ghanaian bars due to bribe taking by either police or the ju ...
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  • eugene 10 years ago

    law requires it!

  • atta 10 years ago

    That this is not the right way to punish people. I am surprise with those VIP inmates Ghana ' prisons got out yet never campaign for the better service ofr other inmates.

  • Adama d'Gharty 10 years ago

    Yes Ghana currently has pending in court for the imprisonment of one or two top villians, namely up-market criminals who have chosen to defraud the government. If these guys are to spend the rest of their life in jail then s ...
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  • OMANBA. 10 years ago

    You can use the British prison service recommendations as part of the recommendations to upgrade Ghana's prison service and not as the basis for it. Britain has not been able to solve the problems that its prison service is f ...
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  • 10 years ago

    The bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know
    anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?"

    "OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the
    prison' and call m ...
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